Probiotics-stomach-gut health-nutrition-health-intestine-weightloss-fitness-food- digestion-bacteria-toxins-stress

A Gutsy way to Lose Weight




The key to weight loss has always been a mystery. Every fitness guru offers their very own secret to weight loss. We have always been told that cutting fat from our diets will help you lose weight. The next we know is that everyone is talking about counting calories.  Then it’s all about ditching those carbs. But could it be that we’ve had it wrong all along and that the secret is actually already within us? More specifically, within our gut?


Each person has their own unique microbiome, which means that each of us responds differently to carbohydrates and fats and sugar. Therefore, any diet plan that excludes whole groups of food damages your microbiome and increases your likelihood of putting on weight.

Excluding certain food groups may help you lose weight for the first few weeks because you’re eating less and selecting carefully what you do eat. However, in the long-term, they’ll decimate your microbes by reducing their diversity and can end up making you fatter.

To put it simply, an imbalance of gut flora stops our digestive system from working properly, the calories consumed are not used efficiently and our energy levels drop. The increased fatigue means the fat-storing stress hormone cortisol kicks in, which will lead to heightened blood sugar and insulin levels. Basically, weight gain is inevitable when there is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in our guts. Our gut craves variety, it craves variation of healthy foods. Our much-slimmer ancestors enjoyed about 150 ingredients each week and no doubt had a more flourishing microbe gardens. Most people today consume only about twenty different food varieties in their weekly diet. Most of which are artificially refined and wreak havoc on the biodiversity of our microbiome.

According to recent studies the more diverse your gut microbes, the more likely you are to be healthy and lean, and the more sparse your microbes, the more likely you are to be overweight.

Several studies have determined that gut microbiota play an important role in weight management and regulation, and the research is continually pointing us in the same direction: a healthy GI tract can help create an environment more favourable for maintaining a healthy weight.


Your Gut is your Second Brain

Why do people get butterflies in the stomach before going on stage or when speaking before a large gathering? Why does an impending job interview sometimes cause an attack of intestinal cramps? The reason for these common experiences is because our gut is the second brain and is interconnected with the brain encased in our skull. When one gets upset, the other does, too.


Your Gut is The Key to Your Immune System

Your digestion actually plays a key role in your natural immunity to diseases. This is because your gut isn’t sterile. It’s actually an entire ecosystem of bacteria and yeast — some beneficial to you, others toxic.

When the intestinal ecosystem is healthy, the good bacteria keep yeasts and other fermentation microorganisms at bay in this part of the digestive tract. An imbalance of microorganisms, results in overgrowth of fungus and other pathogens, resulting in numerous digestive disorders.

Bacteria in your gut might sound like a bad thing, but your gut actually uses bacteria to process food into energy. This helpful or good bacteria is called probiotics. Many people are not familiar with probiotics. The truth is that proper digestion is essential to your health and probiotics are essential to your gut. Therefore, the best way to ensure a healthy gut environment is to maintain sufficient colonies of probiotics, the beneficial gut microbes that absorb vital nutrients, fortify your stomach and intestinal lining, and promote overall health and wellness. Probiotics are the seeds for your microbial garden. However, it goes without saying that some form of workout is essential. Exercisers with a normal BMI have more diverse microbes than exercisers with a high BMI. They also have higher levels of Akkermansiaceae, a type of bacteria that has been linked to lower obesity rates. So sweat daily to trim your gut—and to boost your gut bacteria.


Taking care of your Gut

  • Remove all food toxins from your diet
  • Eat plenty of fermentable fibers (starches like sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.)
  • Take a high-quality probiotic
  • Treat any intestinal pathogens (such as parasites) that may be present
  • Take steps to manage your stress
  • Eat as many different whole foods as possible.
  • Eat fermented foods daily.
  • Avoid Alcohol
  • Avoid junk food. However, if you occasionally eat junk food then make sure to also eat fibre rich food. Plenty of vegetables, fruit, and whole grain will help replenish good bacteria that the junk food has wiped out.


Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods can contribute to unhealthy gut flora. Chronic stress and infection also play a key role in messing up our gut and make us fat and diabetic.

It’s interesting to note that the diabesity epidemic has neatly coincided with the increasing prevalence of factors that upset the gut flora. However, I am not suggesting that poor gut health is the single cause of obesity and diabetes, but I am suggesting that it plays a much larger role than most People think.


The bottom line

We’re only just beginning to understand the fascinating world of the beneficial bacteria that live within the human gut environment.  However, what we’re learning is helping us to better understand and change the way we think how our bodies function. And most importantly how our gut functions. This new understanding along with a good diet and a plan for better gut care can address several important health issues.

In addition to healthy probiotic colonies, weight management still entails a balanced diet, stress management, and regular physical activity. But keep in mind that if your gut is unhealthy, you will not be able to fully benefit from these other important lifestyle changes.

The bottom line is that gut health should be a priority for everyone, but if you’ve struggled with losing weight, it may very well be the piece of the puzzle that you’ve been missing. An effective, multi-strain probiotic formula like Probiotic Extra care by PlantOrigin can easily help to rebalance your gut microbiome and can help you tip the scales in your favor, allowing you to experience a happier, healthier, and more vibrant lifestyle.




weightloss-garcinia Cambogia-supplement-diet-effective weightloss-all natural-organic-Garcinia Cambogia dosage-easy weightloss-garcinia supplement-scientists-health gurus-

The truth about Garcinia Cambogia

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia, is a fruit and is mostly found in the Rain Forests of India, Southeast Asia, Central and West Africa, and Indonesia. This fruit is also known as Malabar Tamarind, brindle berry, and Kudam Puli. The sourness of this fruit has always been considered good for digestion. Therefore, it is found in many Ayurvedic medicines and is often used in curries.


It was in 1960 when a research was carried on the fruit to use it in anti-obesity drugs and supplements followed by an intensive research in 1998 and that’s when its weight loss properties were discovered by Scientists.

In addition to weight loss it can also help fight depression, lower cholesterol, and boost energy levels.


There are many health benefits of Garcinia Cambogia. However, consuming the whole fruit will not help with weight loss since it contains fibres and other elements which may or may not be required by your body in excess. Therefore, it is optimal to take it in supplement form.


Garcinia Cambogia is a natural way to lose weight and would usually not cause any side-effects. However, it is highly recommended to closely follow the instructions listed on the bottle. In addition to that drink plenty of water to remove the toxins, follow a high-fibre and nutrition rich diet to keep yourself energetic while losing  weight and do not skip meals.


How does Garcina Cambogia Work? And what you need to know about this fat-loss supplement.


Health gurus claim that Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) an organic acid, works by making you feel full, reducing your appetite, and affecting metabolism. It’s this effect that has led many to herald it as a natural way to lose weight.  From now on for the sake of simplicity I will refer to Hydroxycitric Acid as HCA.


Many of us may have asked the question that “Is Garcinia legit?”

With all the knowledge we have now, this question sounds a little like me asking, you “Is a hammer legit? “Or does it work” Obviously the answer to this question depends on the hammer and the person using it, right? : HCA isn’t a miracle; it’s a tool. Anyone who has ever suffered the indignity of smashing their finger with a hammer can confirm that tools only work when you know what to do with them and then follow through on that knowledge.

Over the past years we’ve learned a lot about not only what HCA supplements do in the body, but also how you can make the most of them. Here’s what you need to know about this blockbuster fat-loss supplement.

HCA blocks a portion of an enzyme called citrate lyase, which helps turn sugars and starches into fat. If we block that enzyme, and carbohydrates get diverted into energy production rather than accumulating as body fat. Then, when you burn fat through effective training, there’s less to replace it, and your overall fat level goes down.

According to scientists HCA also seems to have an ability to help suppress appetite, but not in the same way as a stimulant-based pill used for weight loss and dieting.  Instead, it increases the level of satiety—satisfaction you receive from food therefore, making it easier to eat less

The late great nutritionist Shari Lieberman suggested that a metabolic change brought on by HCA may send an appetite-suppressing signal to the brain via the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan which is a direct ancestor to the so-called “happy hormone,” serotonin. Subjects who took HCA supplements, ended up with elevated serotonin levels thus indicating a connection between the two.

According to Harry Preuss, a researcher and pathologist at Georgetown University and a past president of the American College of Nutrition suggests that  “You have to take the right dose of the right product, and you have to take it properly,” You have to give enough so that it reaches the sites in the body that it needs to reach.” In recent years, Dr. Preuss has continued to hammer on the idea that maximising bio availability with HCA is crucial for its success.

Dr. Preuss, who lead the most promising human studies into HCA, points out that there are three different forms of hydroxycitrates: those which are blended with calcium, potassium, or magnesium salts. The reason to add these salts is to decrease the degradation of free HCA into HCA lactone, an inactive form of the compound. These salts, which are added at a 1-to-1 or higher ratio in most commercial HCA supplements, also help your body more easily absorb the hydroxycitrate.

According to Dr. Preuss “If you have almost a pure calcium hydroxycitrate, it’s just not going to work,” he prefers hydroxycitrate that is bound to both calcium and potassium; he says the bond dramatically increases the absorption and effectiveness of HCA.

Dr. Preuss and his colleagues put this premise to the test in a study where they followed 30 healthy but overweight people ages 21-50 over an 8-week period. All of the subjects consumed a diet of 2,000 calories per day and walked for half an hour five days per week. One group was given Super CitriMax, a patented form of HCA bound with both calcium and potassium. The other group was given a placebo. At the end of the study, the placebo group had lost an average of three pounds, but the HCA group had lost an average of 12 pounds—a whopping 400 percent more weight. Their average BMI fell by 6.3 percent; in the placebo group, it fell only 1.7 percent.

To top it off, the HCA group experienced an almost double boost in serotonin levels compared to the placebo group. Higher serotonin levels are associated with fewer cravings, as well as a greater sense of calm. In a second similar study, Preuss and his colleagues tested 60 people, and this time, the HCA group lost an average of 10.5 pounds compared to the placebo group, which lost an average of 3.5 pounds.

“Perhaps the most remarkable result was in appetite control,” Preuss says of the second study. “The placebo group had no change, but the HCA group had a 16 percent reduction in the amount of food they ate per meal!”

The lesson here is that how you take HCA matters. As such, Preuss has taken the new wave of HCA popularity as an opportunity to remind us all about how to get the most out of this supplement, most recently in a paper he co-authored for the Alliance for Natural Health in 2013 titled “Garcinia Cambogia: How to Optimize its Effects.

Here are some of Preuss’ recommendations:

  1. Choose a preparation that is at a minimum 50 percent HCA and is not composed wholly of calcium salts: Make sure potassium (K) and/or magnesium (Mg) is present. If the product has a low lactone content, that is even better.
  2. Be sure to take an adequate dose. For a Ca/K preparation used successfully and reported in a peer-reviewed publication, the dose of extract was near 1.5 g, three times per day before meals. In this 60 percent HCA preparation, that approximates 0.9 g of HCA prior to each meal.
  3. Take the preparation on an empty stomach, i.e., 30-60 minutes before each meal.
  4. Remember, “If you don’t comply, don’t complain.” Take the right dose at the right time.

Note that he says “near” 1.5 g three times daily. Why not exactly 1.5? Given that HCA supplements come in a range of potencies and mixtures, it can be hard to be exact. Aim for the 1.5 g benchmark, but don’t be obsessive.



Garcinia cambogia may interfere with the following medications and supplements: iron, potassium, calcium, antidepressants, statins, montelukast (Singulair), and warfarin (Coumadin).

Garcinia cambogia is available in capsules, tablets, powders, and liquids. Capsules should be taken on an empty stomach, 30 minutes to an hour before a meal.


Garcinia cambogia may cause a decrease in blood sugar levels. People who have diabetes should discuss this with their doctor before taking the supplement.

People with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia should not take garcinia cambogia because it increases acetycholine levels in the brain. Many people with these conditions are given medications to lower acetycholine levels.



Turmeric-organic-organic lemon-organic honey-benefits-joint pain-health-scientists -turmeric supplements-anti-inflammatory-lemonade-rejuvenate-brew-healty ingredients-all natural-winter blues-summer-hair-skin-refreshing-summer-winter

Organic Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Lemonade.

Get ready for summer with this Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric and Lemonade Brew.


Summer is almost here and most of you must be wanting to shake off the winter blues and get ready for an awesome summer. With lots of outdoor activities and healthy food.

This Turmeric Lemonade drink will help you rejuvenate and get absolutely ready for an active and action packed summer. However, before I list down the recipe ingredients and directions, I would like to write about the health benefits of all its ingredients.

The Three main ingredients in this brew are Turmeric, Lemon and Honey.


Health benefits of Turmeric Curcumin

It is a well-known fact and scientists agree that turmeric curcumin has been revolutionizing the health industry. Though this ancient spice has been used widely for thousands of years, researchers are only beginning to discover how vital it is to our overall health and well being

Recent studies show that turmeric curcumin can help promote healthy joints, keep our hearts and cardiovascular strength in top shape, and maintain our cognitive functioning. Scientists are also suggesting that when Turmeric Curcumin is taken as a supplement, it can help keep our immune system balanced and working properly.

Turmeric curcumin has been used in a wide variety of ways, all over the world and in almost every culture. First originating as a dye, and then repurposed as a medicinal component, turmeric curcumin has been a trusted and respected health-supporting supplement for over 4,000 years and counting.

Turmeric is also known to support and defend joint, bone, and physical wellness. When used as a concentrated extract, Turmeric Curcumin contains antioxidant properties that help the body fight against free radicals, while possessing a far-reaching capacity to enhance full-body health.


Turmeric curcumin has been known to promote:  


  • Cognitive ability
  • Enhance mood
  • improve whole-body mobility and flexibility,
  • Benefit cardiovascular health.
  • Supportsthe immune system
  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Assist digestive functions


The list goes on and Turmeric Curcumin can do so much more to support overall health and well being.


What is the difference between plain ground turmeric and it’s root and a Turmeric supplement with Curcumin? Which one should be consumed for maximum health benefits?   


Plain ground turmeric is not a good option if you want your supplement to offer relief from a specific health condition like joint pains etc.– it is simply not effective enough.


Why is it that consuming plain Turmeric powder and root do not provide the same health benefits as taking a concentrated Curcumin supplement?  


Most of the healing properties of turmeric come from its active ingredient called curcumin. A typical Turmeric root will only have between 2% and 5% of curcumin. These are obviously very low percentages. That is why consuming plain turmeric powder and root are not the best choice and do not provide the same health benefits as taking it in a concentrated form.


Health benefits of Lemon

Lemon is well known for its healing properties since generations. According to scientists Lemons help to strengthen your immune system, cleanse your stomach, and is considered a blood purifier. However, there are many more benefits of Lemon.

Lemons which are also referred to by their Latin name Citrus x Limon are produced on a small evergreen tree which is widely grown in Asia. The Lemon tree was introduced to Europe sometime around 1 A.D., but was not widely cultivated there until the 15th century. It was Christopher Columbus who introduced lemon seeds to the Americas during his several voyages of discovery. Lemons are mainly produced commercially in China and Mexico, as well as the South American countries of Brazil and Argentina.

Lemons are well known for their Vitamin C content. With 53 grams of Vitamin C, one lemon will provide with more than 60 percent of the daily recommended allowance for this nutrient. Lemons also contain a range of other vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Folate, Niacin, Thiamin, Riboflavin, and pantothenic, Acid, Copper, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Phosphorous and Protein.   


There are many other health benefits of lemon some which are:

  • constipation
  • dental problems,
  • internal bleeding
  • rheumatism,
  • burns
  • obesity
  • respiratory disorders
  • treatment of throat infections
  • cholera
  • High blood pressure


Lemon juice will also benefits your hair and skin, reduce the risk of strokes and help with lowering body temperature

As a refreshing drink lemonade helps you to stay calm and cool.

The acid in lemon juice will enhance the bioavailability of the curcuminoids in the turmeric– so this recipe is engineered for success! Those who want to optimise turmeric absorption can also add a tiny dash of black pepper, which, according to scientists and health gurus enhances curcumin’s bio availability by 1,000 times, due to a heat property inherent to black pepper called Piperine.

Health benefits of honey, there are many, many more than listed below.   

  • Helps prevent cancer and heart disease
  • Reduces ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders
  • Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal
  • Increases athletic performance
  • Reduces cough and throat irritation
  • Balances the 5 elements
  • Helps regulate blood sugar
  • Heals wounds and burns

If you haven’t been taking full advantage of the nutritional and medicinal properties of honey, it’s time to start doing so because honey is an amazing healing agent for all sorts of illnesses. Honey is the way to go not just to replace sugar, but to add nutrition and wellness to your life. 

A lot of effort goes into making honey as it’s not an easy process. To make one pound of honey, it takes approximately 60,000 bees travelling to possibly 2 million flowers (around 55,000 miles) to extract enough nectar. So go ahead and add organic raw honey to your diet and enjoy its amazing health benefits.


 Turmeric and Lemonade Brew recipe



  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup fresh organic lemon juice (or more to taste-about 2-3 lemons)
  • 1-2 teaspoons organic turmeric powder or break open a Turmeric Curcumin capsule and add the powder to your drink.
  • 1/2 teaspoonorganic raw honey
  • Tiny pinch of freshly ground organic black pepper acording to scientists this will increases benefits of turmeric
  • 5 or 6 ice cubes



Combine all ingredients in a high speed ice crush blender and blitz for 60 seconds or until ice is completely blended in.

Let it breathe for about 30 seconds before pouring. Pour into cups to serve. If you prefer you can add more ice.

Enjoy and Consume immediately.


“Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism it can change the destiny of humankind”

~ Albert Einstein