Can you take Probiotics during pregnancy?
While being pregnant can be the most exciting time of your life, pregnancy brings in a lot of changes to your body and Hormones.
Most women complain of constipation and skin problems. To tackle both these issues, a good probiotic supplement can be the answer. Many women wonder if it is safe to take probiotic during pregnancy.
According to doctors and gynecologists: yes, taking probiotics while pregnant is generally safe. However, like any medication or supplement you must always consult your health care provider or Gynecologist before starting.
Are there any benefits of Taking Probiotic during pregnancy?
According to experts some studies show that taking probiotic during pregnancy can be beneficial. Probiotics with pregnancy and lactation.
In order to support a healthy microbiome, gut and digestion incorporating a broad spectrum Probiotics can prove to be quite beneficial. By doing so most women have noted an improvement in bowel function.*
A broad-spectrum Probiotic should have helpful strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. You can find these strains in the PlantOrigin Probiotic.
Doctors also recommend that pregnant and lactating women should also eat foods that are rich in Probiotics. A health boosting supplement like probiotic and a healthy diet can be very helpful for the mother, baby and the gut microbiome during a time when the body is going through so many pregnancy related changes.
If you suffer from allergies or skin conditions like Eczema, Taking a good probiotic supplement during pregnancy may help manage or reduce those symptoms in the child,*
Even though as of now there have been mixed results from pregnancy related studies, however, some show effective prevention of babies inheriting these conditions, while some have no effect. Even though more research is required in this area, it can be worthwhile to take a probiotic supplement during pregnancy.
For women who are already taking a probiotic supplement, it should be safe to continue with the supplement. Probiotics can be favourable during pregnancy for both mother and baby, but it’s best to check with your family physician, gynaecologist and/or midwife before continuing with the supplement.