To Yoga Or Not?


I’m sure several of you must have debated on starting a yoga routine. Many of us opt for a more rigorous exercise regimen instead of yoga simply because we want to lose weight and lose it quickly. However, yoga is now becoming the number one exercise choice. Combining yoga with a gym workout is optimal.

Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between spirit, mind and body.

According to scientists, everything in the universe is just a manifestation of the same quantum firmament. One who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be in yoga.

Yoga is believed to have started with the very birth of civilization. The science of yoga has its origin thousands of years ago, long before the first religions or belief systems were born.

Before the start of a new exercise or activity, it’s crucial to gather accurate information and answers to all our questions. So let’s begin with some important questions.


Which yoga is right for me?

First of all we need to determine the kind of workout that you desire. Do you want a strenuous, sweaty workout? Or do you want to take advantage from yoga’s restorative and healing powers. Are you looking for a spiritual experience? Or simply relief from your back pain and a desire for a more flexible body.


What are your personal needs?

Do you want personalized attention or do you prefer working out with a group?  Do you work better when pushed or desire a compassionate approach? Be completely honest with yourself about plausible physical, financial, and time limitations.

It is critical to shop for a yoga style that is most suited and is perfect for your needs.

You may not even know what you’re looking for until you start trying on different yoga styles. However, after some trial and error you’ll find the yoga style that’s right for you. Pay attention to how your body feels during and after class.

The pace and level of practice should be challenging but not stressful or overburdening, and you should feel more relaxed. Also pay special attention to the emotional and mental changes that take place throughout class. You should feel inspired and look forward to the next class. The best indicator will be your desire to continue with the yoga class.


What will yoga do for you?

There are numerous benefits that are linked to regular practice of yoga. After four to six months of regular yoga practice you will notice a general improvement in your health. The most visible benefits of yoga are:

Less anxiety and a better mood

Less stress

Better control over medical conditions affected by stress

Better management of rheumatoid arthritis

Better balance and flexibility.

Less back pain

Lower blood pressure

Increased confidence


Studies have also linked yoga with improvements in the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Migraines and much more.


Indulge yourself in Yoga & let it become your new passion!
“A man who never made a mistake never tried anything new”

~ Albert Einstein

How to Develop Healthy Habits For Weight Loss and Wellness

Change is definitely required to become healthy and fit.  However, moderation is key to achieving and maintaining an ideal weight and a healthy body. Resorting to extremes is a recipe for disaster.

Healthy habits that are rigid and do don’t allow some form of flexibility will only lead to frustration.   

An overly rigid weight loss plan and your daily routine are opposing forces. Do not turn your life into a battle between these two.  Mark my words, with an all or nothing mentality you will not be able to achieve your goal. Even if the desired weight loss is achieved, chances are you won’t be able to maintain it.

Remember – will power cannot last for ever.

Choose one good healthy diet plan that will help you accomplish your goals but not become a dictator in your life.

The biggest misconception is the belief that in order to lose weight one must suffer. Drag your body through much hated laborious work outs. Continuing to do so will only result in a setback and you will eventually quit.

Do not compare yourself or your results to anyone else’s. Everyone has a different body and the results will vary. Letting yourself fall into the trap of, “if other people can lose weight in a short time then why I can’t do the same?” is a big mistake.

To maintain your weight and a healthy life style, allow yourself to “cheat” occasionally without any guilt, shame or regret .

Never give up all your favourite foods and social engagements with friends just because you want to lose weight. By doing so you are building resentment and this will only lead to failure.  

Make the right choices ….

4 Steps to a Perfect Meditation

Moving your attention to a single point of reference is called Meditation. In simple words it requires one to turn attention away from distractions and focus entirely on the present moment.

Meditation is not just about relaxing. Daily meditation and the ability to reach mental stillness has been proven to bring about deep changes within us. Meditation has also been known to activate your body’s natural healing powers.

Learning to meditate involves commitment and practice.


Here are 4 steps that will help you practice a perfect meditation:

  1. Chose a comfortable place to sit down, it can be on the floor or in a chair.   Keep your spine straight and relaxed. Rest your hands in your lap or by your side.
  2. Close your eyes, and breathe deeply.
  3. Keep your concentration on your breathing.
  4. If you are interrupted by thoughts of the past or future, or surrounding sounds simply acknowledge them while staying focused on your breathing.

Begin with five minutes per day. With daily practice one can go up to twenty to thirty minutes.