How to Develop Healthy Habits For Weight Loss and Wellness

Change is definitely required to become healthy and fit.  However, moderation is key to achieving and maintaining an ideal weight and a healthy body. Resorting to extremes is a recipe for disaster.

Healthy habits that are rigid and do don’t allow some form of flexibility will only lead to frustration.   

An overly rigid weight loss plan and your daily routine are opposing forces. Do not turn your life into a battle between these two.  Mark my words, with an all or nothing mentality you will not be able to achieve your goal. Even if the desired weight loss is achieved, chances are you won’t be able to maintain it.

Remember – will power cannot last for ever.

Choose one good healthy diet plan that will help you accomplish your goals but not become a dictator in your life.

The biggest misconception is the belief that in order to lose weight one must suffer. Drag your body through much hated laborious work outs. Continuing to do so will only result in a setback and you will eventually quit.

Do not compare yourself or your results to anyone else’s. Everyone has a different body and the results will vary. Letting yourself fall into the trap of, “if other people can lose weight in a short time then why I can’t do the same?” is a big mistake.

To maintain your weight and a healthy life style, allow yourself to “cheat” occasionally without any guilt, shame or regret .

Never give up all your favourite foods and social engagements with friends just because you want to lose weight. By doing so you are building resentment and this will only lead to failure.  

Make the right choices ….

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